Citizenship Exam Preparation
Citizenship Exam Preparation Sessions - Free!
12-week sessions!
This course is for students who want to become U. S. Citizens. Students learn about the citizenship process. The class provides an overview of United States history; the structure of federal, state, county, and city governments; the rights and responsibilities of citizens living under a democratic form of government; and naturalization procedures, tips, etc. The Azusa Adult Education Center works in partnership with the Azusa City Library, Inspired Citizenship Program.
Session Dates | Course # | Day | Time | Instructor | Room |
08/26/24 - 11/11/24 | 3800.07 | M | 4:30 pm - 8:30 pm | Ontiveros | 11 |
11/18/24 - 3/3/25 | 3801.07 | M | 4:30 pm - 8:30 pm | Ontiveros | 11 |
3/10/25 - 6/09/25 | 3802.07 | M | 4:30 pm - 8:30 pm | Ontiveros | 11 |
Requirements for Enrolling
Students must meet all the required qualifications to enroll:
- Picture ID
- Possess a permanent resident card
- Score at the Intermediate or Advanced levels on the CASAS assessment
Identification documents must be provided at the time of registration.