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HiSet Prep

Take the HiSET for FREE!

Do you lack a high school diploma?
Are you ready to take the first step toward expanding your opportunities for college or a better career?

The Azusa Adult Education Center can help you on your journey to earning your high school equivalency credential by Passing the HiSET ® exam for FREE!

 Simply follow the following steps:

  1. Take a CASAS Pre-Test
  2. Enroll in our FREE HiSET Test Prep Class in English or Spanish
  3. Attend 40 or more hours in class
  4. MUST take CASAS Post-Test

AAEC is an official testing center for the HiSET exam. For more information, please contact us @ (626) 852-8400 

AAEC will pay the first battery of tests for those students who complete the 40hrs or more of in classroom time. Students are given 12 months and 3 times each to pass all 5 subjects. It is student's responsibility to pay for those tests that were not successfully passed during the allocated time. 


High School Equivalency Exam Preparation (HiSet) Class -FREE

Earning a high school equivalency certificate from the State of California may be an alternative to getting a high school diploma. This independent study course is designed to provide students with learning activities designed to prepare them for each section of the HiSET exam:  Language Arts – Reading, Language Arts – Writing, Mathematics, Science, and Social Studies. Working towards your high school equivalency has never been easier!

Course # Days Time Instructor Room
2080.01 M-Th 8:00 am – 12:30 pm Romero 7
2082.07 M-W 5:00 pm - 8:30 pm Romero 7

High School Equivalency Exam Preparation Class- Spanish HiSet - FREE

Prepare for the Spanish HiSET exam. Students participate in learning activities designed to prepare them for each section of the exam.

​Si Usted quiere recibir una diploma de la preparatoria de los Estados Unidos, puede obtener una equivalencia de escuela secundaria (HSE). Una diploma de equivalencia de escuela preparatoria es un certificado que declara que tiene la educación, el conocimiento, y las habilidades que son equivalentes a una educación típica de escuela preparatoria. Un diploma de equivalencia de la preparatoria se puede usar como un diploma de escuela preparatoria regular para ayudarle a ingresar a la universidad, o para solicitar puestos de trabajo que requieren una educación de la preparatoria.

​El examen HiSET® puede ampliar sus oportunidades, pero requiere preparación. Obtenga las herramientas que necesita para prepararse del programa HiSET 

Course # Days Time Instructor Room
2081.07 W 4:30 pm – 8:30 pm Ontiveros 11

HiSet Test Prices

$105.00 (Entire Battery - All 5 Test Sections) or $17 per section.$20.00 (One Time State Fee) This fee is only charged one time, when first registering for the HiSET test.