Pharmacy Technician
Pharmacy Technician Course - HYBRID COURSE
Pharmacy Technician
This Pharmacy Technician Program is a one semester, 18/weeks/360 hours hybrid course. It is designed to prepare students for entry-level employment in a retail setting, an outpatient pharmacy and a hospital-in-patient pharmacy with a supervising pharmacist.
This course is designed as a hybrid model which includes two (2) days of classroom instruction with hands-on training, online assignments, and 140 intership/externship hours in a retail or hospital pharmacy. Students must provide their own transportation to the externship pharmacy location.
This course covers: Drugs and Dosages; Dosage Calculation; Ethics; Legal Codes and Regulations; Customer Service; Dispensing of all types of medication; Taking prescriptions over the phone and in-person; Record Keeping.
Upon completion of the class and the externship hours, students will be recommended to take both the California Pharmacy Technician License and National Pharmacy Technician Exam. Both the state and national licensing require additional expenses, beyond class costs. At the end of the program, Pharmacy Technician Students will receive a Pharmacy Technician Program Certificate of Completion and be ready to work immediately as a Pharmacy Technician.
Cost: $2530.00 (includes tuition, materials, supplies, textbooks, standard fees for medical and background clearances, standard uniform and externship supervision) Fees does not include CPT License or NPT Exam costs.
- High School Diploma or Equivalency
- At least 18 years old
- At least 7th Grade Math level
- Clearance of Criminal Conviction
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T, TH 4:00 pm - 8:30 pm (classroom schedule)
Job Outlook
California Growth % Rates (2022-2032)
California $23.98 hourly 8% growth rate